Hey friends. I've searched around and read a number of medium articles, but am still unable to find the answer to this: I already have ATOM in Keplr and it's staked. I just go...
Hey all, new to the group. Question regarding staking and rewards: currently staking through Terra Station and Orion as validator (for airdrop purposes). The yield seems very ...
I got FET this year on different exchanges (Ku and CoinB). Are these "Native" or ERC20, how can I tell? I would like to stake. Can I send directly to a Cosmostation wallet, or...
Re: Keplr to Cosmostation: I don't have a ledger and couldn't create a wallet on CS, so I chose Keplr and staked. Some are saying I can use my Keplr seed phrase and import tha...
So the liquid ATOM in my Keplr wallet can be accessed by Cosmostation as well?
I meant are there any Validators that are preferred/more trusted over others? Seems like a top 10 with high # of delegators and a lower commission % would be a good option
Is there any benefit to starting a stake when price is lower vs higher? Is Tshare price affected? Ex, does a 10k stake buy more T shares when the price is at .25 vs .50
Any opinions on Validators, or is taboo to ask?