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Hey friends. I've searched around and read a number of

medium articles, but am still unable to find the answer to this: I already have ATOM in Keplr and it's staked. I just got a Ledger device, but the instructions to connect them seems like it would just add an empty Ledger wallet to my Keplr. It appears that I need to import the Keplr wallet to my Ledger, but not sure how to actually do that. Anyone have a resource? Thanks

6 ответов

4 просмотра

You’ll need to unstake, make a new wallet on Keplr that is linked to your ledger and then send your ATOM to that wallet. Otherwise you compromise the security of the ledger.


Johnny B
You’ll need to unstake, make a new wallet on Keplr...

The new account has to be made on ledger, not keplr :3 keplr is just the interface

You have to install the cosmos app on ledger first

Jordan-S Автор вопроса
You have to install the cosmos app on ledger first

Ah okay, I was hoping to avoid unstake and transfer. I've already installed Cosmos app and setup my account on Ledger, so once unstaked, I will send to Ledger, then do Import Ledger on Keplr, yeah?

Jordan S
Ah okay, I was hoping to avoid unstake and transfe...

Unfortunately this is the only way to keep the ledger secure TwT Once you will have sent the tokens on the address displayed in the Ledger, you can connect it to Keplr browser extension. Please keep in mind that you will need the ledger open and connected to confirm any operation with keplr :3

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