209 похожих чатов

I got FET this year on different exchanges (Ku and

CoinB). Are these "Native" or ERC20, how can I tell? I would like to stake. Can I send directly to a Cosmostation wallet, or do I need to first send to Fetch mobile wallet and migrate to main net? Sorry, it's a bit confusing

3 ответов

4 просмотра

You first need to go through a token bridge and only then can you send directly to cosmostation.

This is due to the fact that erc20 FET utilizes the ethereum network while Fetch's mainnet is hosted using the cosmos SDK.

That being said. In order to stake you need: 1) cosmostation wallet 2) metamask 3) connect metamask with the token bridge, make sure you have enough ETH to pay the transaction and input your native address ( you get it when you get cosmostation wallet it starts with fetch1....) into the native address field in the bridge. You'll then see your FET in cosmostation and you can proceed to pick a validator and stake.

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