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So the liquid ATOM in my Keplr wallet can be

accessed by Cosmostation as well?

4 ответов

4 просмотра

Yep. Remember, your tokens are held on the blockchain, not n your wallet. The wallet holds the keys that allow you to move your tokens from one place to another. You can use multiple wallets to manage your crypto. Use 2 or 3 with the same seed phrase and test them out. Keep the one you like best.

Matt | Blocks United Validator (WILL NEVER DM YOU FIRST)
Yep. Remember, your tokens are held on the blockch...

1. You don’t move at all your tokens. 2. It cannot be a tip to import into multiple wallets the seed phrase as this exposed the account too much. Import into another wallet is something to do in a very considerate way. Instead, to try a new wallet people can just create a new account on that wallet ad send a fraction of his/her tokens

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