After the lastest update of KDE plasma, whenever i run 'notify-send', the 'plasmashell' crashed automaically. can someone help me out? here is the output without gdb, in nor...
Is that mean, this bug not gonna fix? Well, i have created a script which will keep checking, if plasmashell is running or not, if not it will check kill restart it. But it ...
Can you elaborate your question lil' more? Like provide some code as example or something.
is it text editor? i don't knw, m linux user, and i didnt hear about it till now. lol😝
What you think of react and angular? Which should be considered as future?
What lang you were on in game dev? Or node base game engines?
Umm..can you attach it to gdb and get the output?
Do you think VS code feels like a website?
A proper alternative of bs4 in cpp?
Is it a feature or a bug?
How is octave guys?
Like ubuntu?
change to what? to plain text?