I have now option to change broken motherboard into working. I have arch installed and I ain't gonna reinstall. Current setup is Intel, new would be AMD. Should I proceed or a...
i am using putty to take ssh connection to my vps (debian 8) that i just bought and arrows fuck up, how to fix? tried to google but i only find putty download pages
if($command) { if(is_file("commands/$command.php")) { $help = ($arguments_array[0] == "-h") ? true : false; $output = include("commands/$command.php"); ...
I have now array $newfont = ['𝔞','𝔟','𝔠','𝔡','𝔢','𝔣','𝔤','𝔥','𝔦','𝔧','𝔨','𝔩','𝔪','𝔫','𝔬','𝔭','𝔮','𝔯','𝔰','𝔱','𝔲','𝔳','𝔴','𝔵','𝔶','𝔷']; i tried to do this more nicely with $ne...
i have program that runs constantly without ever stopping. there is often situation that connection fucks up and i want to make this to start itself from beginning after it cr...
http://paste.dy.fi/nMB/plain What is wrong with my calculator? When i get to point of giving "operaattori" it just tells operation not permitted and if first and second input...
I don't know if this is anyway simple but it works for emails atleast 2 chars before @ <?php $email = "chriz12345@apl"; $parts = explode("@",$email); $str=substr($parts[0], 0...
sometimes i stop to wonder is php great or not. i just coded horrible oneliner and this is one of these times. <?php if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == "/neofetch.php") echo substr(e...
i have irc bot that uses fsockopen to connect and fgets to read, problem is that code will not continue running in loop until fgets() returns something. how to bypass this to ...
umm what?
are you creating those files as sudo?
me? i use only pdo. i actually did addon for that, makes using it shorter, easyer and it returns only strings or easy to handle arrays https://gitlab.com/MrDarkHooD/simple-php...
what the hell is this shit trying to say? Why cannot i put number as argument to function?
https://mrdarkhood.dev/paste.php?file=3458107827 this is how i made it now
No. If you made headers before that it fails. For example next line is complete file called header.php and it fails: You will be redirected. <?php header("Location: index.php"...
https://mrdarkhood.dev/paste.php?file=4193773329 here is whole set
what is REAL command for /me (alias to /describle) in irc protocol?
hi. i have wallpaper and I want to repeat it with css. how can i make it vertically so that first pic is facing up, second is facing down, third one up etc?
for what are you gonna use that result on php?
if i remember correctly after you estabilish pdo connection you do something like $query = pdo("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?"); $query->execute($id);