Java modules were introduced in Java SE 11. In your experience, how much adoption they have received?
Why you recommend Lombok?
@dburyak, what DBMS do you use everyday at work?
@dburyak, why to use the getters/setters pattern instead of using public properties directly?
I've been getting familiar with the new features of Java (text blocks, template strings, records, pattern matching, switch expressions). What does the adoption of these featu...
What's programming ? What's the meaning of life ? And why there's a RegExp for that question ?
Advice about what?
It's too much?
Inject how? If you want to link a JavaScript file to your webpage, then using a script tag
What's the different between casting and assertion?
Better testability? Maintainability?
@dburyak, where's your personal blog?
Was Java (as a language , and not for its applications) ever attractive to learn?
I see. How many years of experience you have with Spring?
I haven't seem people do that, I mean, "merging" remote branches, but I've seen that the workflow is: # do we have new change on remote? git fetch origin dev # get them if ...
@TRGWII make a pool: will you use Java 22? Yes, no.
When you do import * as fs from "fs" ... This creates an module object. Since fs has no default export ?
Any admin to kick these spammers?
What's body.hide?