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Java modules were introduced in Java SE 11. In your

experience, how much adoption they have received?

7 ответов

16 просмотров

Per my experience, very little. I don't even know how to properly use it)) will learn it of course, if need arises, but no need so far. In backend code - absolutely zero. Never saw it, never used myself. Not even in examples for backend code. I saw it used in some libraries only, usually complex ones. I can think of netty and hazelcast off the top of my head.

Edwing123- Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
Per my experience, very little. I don't even know ...

What kind of software do you develop with Java?

What kind of software do you develop with Java?

Backend. Maybe in android, embedded java or desktop java the situation is different. But in backend (java-ee, spring-boot, all that) I never saw that people bother with modules at all

What kind of software do you develop with Java?

In backend, usually the main purpose of modules - define what's public and what's private - is achieved by organizing the project into modules of *build system*. Build systems give enough power to have similar effect

Edwing123- Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
Backend. Maybe in android, embedded java or deskto...

I see, that's interesting to know, and that's because it was my thought that Java modules were not largely adopted. Having said that, I'm learning about them, at least the basics (what they are, what's their purpose, etc).

Edwing123- Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
In backend, usually the main purpose of modules - ...

I see, I'm not familiar enough with build systems yet.

I see, that's interesting to know, and that's beca...

You did a great decision to ask around first, before investing a lot of time in learning it. My personal recommendation for learning plan (even for desktop java) - don't waste your time on it. Get familiar with basics and move on. Better concentrate more on GUI topics

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