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I'Ve been getting familiar with the new features of Java

(text blocks, template strings, records, pattern matching, switch expressions).

What does the adoption of these features look like in your experience?

2 ответов

15 просмотров

They are used and highly appreciated by devs. Switch expressions is a bless, people love to use them. Same with pattern matching. Used often, when people discover them. Records are not too useful for backend because they are final (non-extendable, you can't express type hierarchy with them), but often used when you need a tuple, or do for private code. For public DTOs, I haven't seen them in this role. Template strings - haven't seen them yet, I'm still on java 17. But I feel they won't be popular because everyone is used to old good c-style string.format. Not sure, time will show. Text blocks are very useful in tests, people use them

Dmytro Buryak
They are used and highly appreciated by devs. Sw...

I've tried using string templates and I really really like it, string is much more readable and it's easier to understand what is pasted and where

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