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Why you recommend Lombok?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

Because there's no direct support of properties on the language level. That's the most important feature of lombok. Writing getters and setters by hand is the huuuge downside of java without lombok. And @EqualsAndHashcode for automatic generation of data types. And @Data/@Value as a handy shortcuts for typical combinations. Next highly usable feature - @Builder for builders. This somehow alleviates the absense of named parameters in java. Which is second huge downside after the absence of properties. For singletons with business logic - @RequiredArgsConstructor or @AllArgsConstructor. This is less helpful, but still saves you from repetitive boilerplate. All this is stuff that is extremely tedious and error-prone to write by hand. And is needed for most of the classes.

Dmytro Buryak
Because there's no direct support of properties on...

Your explanations are so neat, btw I forgot to thank you about the Command pattern explanation, so.. thank you.

Dmytro Buryak
You're welcome

Bro can you give explanation on class property in java

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