Hey Currently using googles cloud vision api in an electron app. The docs tell me to create a service account, and that this service account needs appropriate permissions to...
Linux looks very interesting, even if some of the screen colours and menu options appear to be a little out of the ordinary. But you are missing a vital point, a point which t...
Eric Khun (@eric_khun) Tweeted: Just deployed new (#ERC720 #nft) smart-contract on #ethereum. Cost $436 😅 You really need to be sure to have the perfect code, features, and se...
Its based on context. Here in the west the pride parade is a bunch of perverted drunks, some being naked "for a cause". That i dont like. Same with (m/f/x). You wanna be "non...
DeFi bug accidentally gives $90M to users, founder begs them to return it - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28716979
Hey. I wanna get into some C programming on Linux. I have found a LOT of stuff online that says how to start and I'm not sure which is the best. And honestly I'd prefer a book...
remember when Gmail got hacked? The gained acces to a couple thousand account's, but google detected the break in in real time, closed the attacker out, and immediately went p...
"Im hating something but that's not an opinion." Ok. Also 1) I'm not limiting your freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want. And I have the samw freedom to say what...
Who mentioned these automated SQLi tools? I. Didn't. My point is certifications are overrated. A goos friend of mine bever attended UNI and has no certificates at all. He w...
ℹ Definition of botnet Originally meant to denote virus [trojans] acting in a network, it also means excessive use of telemetry and other [privacy] [violating] features of sea...
Is that a communist joke?
php.ini / compiler settings as soon as you work with *char your compiler decides what string compare will fail or not $ / who the heck cares about the $ sign ? Just because...
Cloudflare might fuck with your traffic, so can foreign governments by fucking with BGP The iran routed all of your private telegram Messages through them and you throw a fit...
didn't you know that Microsoft and Google have the same CEO? It's steve jobs
Linus Torvalds did not commit this - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10005577
But what benefit has it? If there's another person trying to send a mail there won't be any blocking. PHP will open a new thread. So both mails can be send at the same time ...
anybody here experienced with static site generators? I have used hexo and jekyll now jekyll is a literal piece of hot shit hexo is cool
no and why? That's why I prefer PHP. Globals are bad practice yes, but they still allow you to use them. Sometimes you just whip out this 10line cli tool to use one time in t...
"We have no word for a place to put children in that are pre-school" "Germany has kindergarten, meaning children's garden or something" "Great let's use Kindergarten" "Shou...
Wtf you are all high and mighty talking about GNU and play fucking fortnite? BattlEye and EAC are not from the GNU software foundation btw