How many tokens will we get per DOT contributed towards the crowdloan?
If we participate in the crowdloan, we’ll get your token only if the Parachain auction is successful right? Will your Moonbeam token be locked up together with our DOT for 2 y...
Just asking, I know Acala will be providing lcDOT or liquid DOT for those who submit in their crowdloan. If we get those before your crowdloan closes, are we allowed to subm...
Sorry what Polkadot wallet do we use for this upcoming crowdloan?
Will all be accepted for the crowdloan or first come first served or lottery?
Is anyone else also waiting for their BSC transactions to complete?
Is it likely to be 1 GLMR token per 1 DOT subject to the DOT raised?
Sorry but how to stake for ASTR or am I already too late?
How would we know when we are accepted or rejected for the crowdloan? Got if we get rejected, need to scramble to the next alternative project.
If we’ve preregistered, does it mean we’ll be accepted for the crowdloan?