Hello Any dex where I can stake my links? No cex if possible thx
Hi all What's the unbonding period? 3 days? Thx
Morning everybody, i am about to vote moonbeam on binance...question...what is the % of movr and glmr you get x 1 dot?
Hello everyone I am new on cosmos...quick question..i am about to stake my atom ok keplr...in order to get airdrops, do i need to pick a specific validator? Or no matter the v...
Can someone please suggest any validator for getting gno.land airdrop ?
Just to have confirmation..i will delegate cosmostation and chorus one...do i get airdrops by staking on them?
What if you menage fees manually ? You should reduce a little the cost
Ok so any apart from those makes me eligible for all future airdrops ?
I see all pools shows current vapy and projectes vapy...what is actually the difference btw them? For instance cvxeth now is 67 and projected 93...
Hi all I need to withdraw scrt from binance to Kepler...do i need to insert memo ?
If i want to deposit euro into convex pool, should i need to convert usdt into EUR on curve right?
Does anybody know why i cannot get my ust unlocked even if the unlock time is passed?
To deposit atom into Kepler do i need to set memo?
How long do you think the current apr is sustainable for cvxcrv ?
Can you deposit on convex using BSC??