Kava app does not allow me to claim rewards. Has this issue been reported before?
hello, wondering if there any updates regarding legal action or recuperation of funds associated with the Iron Bank issue?
I saw the post from yesterday regarding the Bep3 asset migration. But I still have some questions: -if we have Bep3 assets in kava, do we have to bridge them back to Bnb chain...
Pending rewards from lusd LP that was migrated are still to be airdropped right?
have the Lina rerwards from the previous farms that was deprecated been send to our wallets? These are the rewards for LP staking - the team already airdropped the equivalent ...
anyone wants 5,000 winb (bep2) tokens? I can;t exchange them since Binance is not allowed in my country. DM me your address. You have 1 minute
Is anyone else having issues accessing kava in trustwallet mobile app?
Which ava assets were bridged through multichain?
I submitted a bridge transaction for usdt from Boba to L1 ethereum. The transactions were successful and it gave the notice about the 7 day period, but I question the values t...
will the LP vault ever be brought back?
This is from mintscan - Why wouldn't the busd reserves equal the total deposited minus the borrowed?
does pancakeswap take treasury or cake buyback fees from the token swaps from V3?
When did the 52 lockup become available? I thought I got in within 24hrs but I don't see any popup for claiming the NFT
Hey since the migration to the new token contract, is there staking or farming available?
Are kava bridged assets affected by the multichain hack?
How do you want us to check the Alpha compensation calculation if you don't even give the formula used to calculate it in the first place? Is this a joke?
Admin - I staked my cake within 24hrs but I don't have a claim popup for the NFT. Can I dm you?
Can we bridge kava busd, btc, XRP, bnb to osmos and add liquidity?
Are you going to give us the necessary information to check the compensation calculation or are you going to continue posting irrelevant things?
Why is there a bridge cap of 10,000 for coti?