hi, any zabbix devs in here?
hey guys, anyone here knows more about logrotate? want to know if this is a good config: /var/log/dnsmasq.log { monthly missingok notifempty maxsize 5M rotate 14 ...
anyone here using mailgun.js?
Hey everyone, anyone made the webcam work in ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Precision 5680?
anyone else experiencing nuxt 3 input[type=submit] not firing on touch event via mobile?
does anyone know alternatives to mailgun then?
how many screens do you have?
<?php $pass = $argv[1]; $hash = 'weird hash here'; $confirm = password_verify($pass, $hash) ? true : false; echo $confirm; ?>
player.tools.shovels += 1; or player.tools['shovels'] += 1; ???
i'm getting this: configure-instance.sh[647]: postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: undefined parameter: mua_sender_restrictions configure-instance.sh[647]: postconf: war...
sooo, node-telegram-bot-api, how to make a conversation with a bot??
who's making some animatronics for halloween?
what would be a better option?
if want to match on ! or ? or /, this isn't working: /^(\!|\?|\/)/
anyone knows an alternative to readline???
why is innerHTML unsafe?
you can create your own branch right? maybe that's an option
can not understand the structure of laravel, any good source to learn about it?
is sql injection possible in mongodb? just wondering, no idea if it's related to this channel
electron devs in here? trying to understand where to put functions, in main.js or preload.js