we would be eliminating this cancer where a ridiculous library like the following depends on ridiculous library (is-string) that also has a dependencies. The transitive librar...
will Bend language bend the Python reality? https://higherorderco.com/
Is this a common issue with Bun? It seems like the processes are getting stuck or not being managed properly.
don't you guys think package managers are the biggest contributors to most Javascript problems? Because I do. If developers had to manage dependencies by hand, I think we wou...
which kind of database that allows you access right from the browser? firebase?😃
is this a matter of engine implementation?
is it possible to inform TS not to expand firstname and lastname when building the template literals of same object? export interface Person { first_name: string, last_na...
Is JS ecosystem becoming uglier or it's JS complexity growth each year? i.e. to a point we need complex build systems such as nx.dev as compared to the likes of gulp and roll...
I have a problem with keeping track of inventory items quantity. I have explained my approach in combination with more info on the challenge on a gist. https://gist.github.c...
@TRGWII or any other Typeorm user, I have a closure table for parent to child relationship . how do I indicate that a child can have multiple parents? @TreeParent decorat...
that's really funny. What kind of programming did you "previously" learn?
a bit off topic here but related to designers: do all good designers have earrings or a tattoo ?
I am having a problem with my nginx - docker setup. The directory in question refers to a named docker volume. I want to access the files inside the volume from an Nginx se...
or are you randomly applying bandages until it works(on your current browser and machine)?
|A|B| C | |—-----—| |D|E| F | |———--| |G|H |I | given such game, which boxes are said to be adjacent to box E? BDFH or all of them?
this number is greater than long. is this normal?
or is 33 not a string? I see the closing quote so I guess you have an opening one?
now with a match against query, nothing is returned. I have counter checked that 7100 is neither on stopwords and those are 4 characters. what am I missing?
Given set A and set B, is there a way to find * elements in A but not in B * elements in B but not in A without having looping through A then B?
@poeti8 am I allowed to cross post this one? might help someone on the db group