Is there an update or forecast on dusd being at peg again? What are the expectations based on last month(s)?
noob question; is there any risk with a 100% dusd looped vault?
What happens if we lower the fee to 10% (for example), wouldnt more people sell their dusd and take the loss and thus the whole process is speed up? I think 30% is too much fo...
any upcoming proposals that will speed up the whole process of 1:1 or are we waiting for the bull to return in order to fix it? 🥲
I bridged walbt from poly to eth, and its visible for almost 2 hours now but cant press the claim button? How long does this normally take?
Can we enter the ewt/albt pool with only albt (sslp) and profit from the rewards of this pool? How does this work exactly (is this only UI and your albt will be split to 50/50... How fast could we implement this? What is the timing regarding next voting round etc?