What’s a reasonable bag of coti to hold for this bull? Btw, I’m not rich so no whale bag figures pls
How do I know who’s real?
How many VET do I need to hold for bull? Any suggestions?
Anyone having tech problems when claiming their matured deposits in Treasury??
Anyone know how we can buy gcoti?
What’s the best exchange to buy VET guys?
Do I need to vote if I participated in governance through folks finance??
Anyone know if I can send Usdt from smart chain directly to Coinbase ecr20 Usdt ? Or do I need to do anything to covert?
What chain does it have to be and how do I change it?
If I buy velas from KuCoin can I just send tokens directly to my Metamask or do I need to bridge to Evm first before sending it from KuCoin?
Anyone know why my wallet balance is not registered on the Dex after connecting wallet?
What’s the best way to change it?
Can we still mint punks ?
How do we mint?