I know this program is silly. It's really silly. I think it should be some ways to make it more efficient but I am in lesson three of the book. I know that is not a good reaso...
1. I thought second one is better because that's the author code and first one is mine. 2. There is no subject about believe. I just think type casting take more processing th...
this program is written in 2 ways. I wrote first one and second one is written by author. which one is better? should I change my mind or you think I should stick to my method...
The book author says this program could be made more efficient by improving the inner loop iteration. can you tell me how? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/O8TEpAG~3egO4Y...
Excuse me We have 2 places where problems raise Compile time and runtime? Am I true?
You are approaching in smart way 😍 So what can I do? How should I think?