Do I have a certain time to migrate my OMI-GO?
I had 3,215 Classic Luna in my wallet, now the airdrop has happened, I received 0.0147 Luna 2.0 in my Nexo Wallet. Is this the right amount? It seems quite low.
Best platform to get interest on VET?
Is it still free to withdraw USDC on nexo? Thanks :)
Whats the withdrawal fee of USDC on Binance?
Hey guys still haven't received my full Luna 2.0 airdrop from V1?
Is cake now on eth network? I want to add cake to my staking pool but I need to pay in ETH not BNB?
Can I just move my ECOMI over to my Veve wallet?
Do you earn VTHOR in the Sync2 wallet for holding VET, or is it only in the VechainThor Wallet?
Does support the automatic swap of OMI?
@Rick_1z When I press start farming then go to stake lp, for some reason it keeps failing, any reason why?
Do I need to pay 0.0135 ETH for migration? Seems quite expensive tbh
Where can I look at the cake staking rates?
Will nexo support the luna airdrop?
Everyone else done 52 weeks?
Do I need more SOL still?