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There isn't much to gain per interest on the exchanges. Binance gives you 0.5% apy. Better is to go into pools with verocket/Vexchange. You get a better return there.

Matty- Автор вопроса

Thanks for the recommendation, which one would you prefer between Verocket and Vexchange? I've recently had to transfer my VET and VTHOR from my VechainThor wallet to the Sync 2 wallet to be able to do it on my PC

Thanks for the recommendation, which one would you...

Both are fine imo. Vexchange has been around for a while and. Verocket has just started at the end of last year ( if I am remembering correctly). Both are giving good returns for me. I suggest just check them out (DYOR) and decide if and which you want to invest in

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