Due to the update of PancakeSwap I have to remove my LP of APX-BUSD from LM and harvest it back to my metamask wallet. Then I encountered the difficulty of swapping this LP in...
hi, there, why can't I swap APX for other tokens? when will this kind of swap be open?
I would like to raise a question concerning where we can find the detailed game rules for vault, forced liquidation and auction. Remo has just published a video advising again...
Hi, Daniel, how shall we compare lending BTC in CakeDefi with LP in the liquidity mining pool BTC-DFI?
I am curious about why PCS can afford higher APY for cake's locked staking this time than before and if the APY is not sustainble at least for quite a while (it drops very rap...
It seems to be cheaper if one sends asset, say, ETH from MM BSC to Binance account and then from there directly withdraws ETH tokens to the the same MM wallet address in Ether...
Eine Frage: Was motiviert einen, einen Vault zu erstellen? Wenn man etwa einen ganzen Betrag einem Liquiditätspool hinzufügen kann, wieso hinterlege man den Betrag als Besiche...
This morning I found out that the negative interest rate shown in my 'Browse loan tokens' is much reduced to 25.75%, I think this is why DZ believes that many people run out o...
I would like to create a vault but encountered the problem with "Error Code: 0 400 - BadRequest(/v0/mainnet/rawtx). How can I fix it?
I would like to ask a question why the balances shown on the top of the light wallet seem different from those shown in the DeFiChain income dashboard?
If I got problem with DefiChain Bridge, where can I appeal to so as to solve the issue?
one question: what would happen to our dAMZN-DUSD if AMZN splits in June?
why didn't the 12.5% dex fee for swapping DUSD come down as foreseen by many that it would come down to lower than 4%?
why some users' mobile wallets are automatically updated to v.1.6.0, but mine is still v.1.5.0?
why is there such a difference in exchange prices between Bittrex and Kucoin?
I would like to ask if it is possible to transfer dUSDT through BNB Bridge to BNB and then swap dUSDT 1:1 there in BSC to USDT?
why does it often happen that the website of Pancakeswap cannot be connected to my metamask wallet?
Could some Admin explain why the "earn APX" syrup pool disappeared?
how can I get the available amount of ETH back into my wallet?
where can we find the report or documentation for the progress of DFI brige project ?