Xmr is the only real usable currency in the fucked up encaged privacyintrusive world we’re heading to . It will amass a lot of volume in any given time as soon as some big hea...
Hello guys. I had a question what would be a good laptop setup for a 2k . For trading , some opsec dn activity , and monero mining ? Cheers
What’s that then ?
Will cakewallet become illegal?
Wich day is the token unlock ? I feel we are bound for a huge crash ?
Guys do you really trust cakewallet ? I really am searching for the best place to keep my xmr and btc
Is trading against eur still free on Binance ? I used to do it for a time . But it’s a while ago
How would the value of xmr react once all cex’s will have to delist monero and other privacy coins ? In my opinion it will form a big demand in peer to peer with people overpa...
Where does cake operate ?
And for btc ?
What if ledger now for any reason just stops working ? Is that possible and how ? What then ?
But what if these wallets too dissapear?
Also for btc ?
Is there a way to buy plane tickets with xmr ?