Guys, I need your experience. Imagine I would like to stake 10 bags. Each bag 1 year. Where should I start? With the 10th bag?
And the less stakers the more tokens per day?
Guys what's your personal Staking strategy which you would recommend?
Are you going to hold Hex just on the PulseChain network after lunch or also on eth network?
Do you guys buy pulsechain with wrapped eth?
Is it also possible to buy PulseChain and PulseX after the short bridging time frame with eth on a normal way?
Guys is Vechain a serious company? It's dumb to admit but I really hate their website and the YouTube content isn't that great
What prices did you have?
Why do you think people always attack hex? Is that because of the fame and branding of rh, because he is such a Influencer and middle point?
Is it dumb to hold eth Hex even when the pulsechain network lunch is done.. Will pulse hex be more valuable in the future?
Do you guys hold a lot of btc?
But I can also use eHex and bridge it to PulseChain even if I already have the forked ones?
Anybody heared about the Genius token?
But isnt the supply of Hex too high to arrive 100 dollar?
Guys, lets say you own 5 t shares, get 10 hex per share every day and the future price is at 10 dollars. So you get 500 dollars each day? Is that really possible?
Where can I get a lost of the tokens which will be mirrored?
You think it's a big opportunity when I buy Hex on ethw and ethw goes straight to the top?
Is Maximus Dao a trustworthy option to stake you Hex into perpetuals?
There are serious investors who made some serious gains with Hex? Richard market with life changing wealth..
Have a ln important question: So when I stake my hex in different bags and the price would increase dramatically, I wouldnt realise that amount of profits, right. Why are you ...