Hello! I am trying to make a text I have have contrasting outline. The text has dynamic color. When I searched online, I found how to contrast a text against its background...
Hello! I have a set of items with each their own UUIDs. I am considering to use a single get request to get all the relevant information from the server. However, I read that...
The idea of the singleton pattern is to have only one instance of a specific class. This means that the second time you use the same class to create a new object, you should g...
hello! I am a newbie for C#. I used some recommended gitignore file for Csharp before pushing my work to github. However, some of the files still looks a bit redundant. What d...
Hello! I am using x2go client with a remote PC, and firefox just does not start. Also tried to start it using the command line, and when I searched for the error message, I ...
Hello! I have a notification thingy that is removed automatically in 5 seconds, but if a new notification is triggered, I want this 5 seconds to start anew. I know how to do ...
Hello Here is the code I am working on: useEffect(() => { if (name){ const apiLink = `https://restcountries.com/v3.1/name/${name}?fullText=true`; axios ...
I have a small question about tailwind css. I don't like it much, but I really like the prose class it has for typography. Is there any way to find the full list of included...
Hello! I am considering to uninstall VirtualBox 7.0.8 to downgrade but I am reaaaaaaallly afraid of losing data i have been working on. Should I be or is it an easy thing to d...
Hello, here is a tip from the book I am reading: ... for function and method names, you can use lower camel case, as in myFunction() , calculateArea() and getFirstName() ...
Is this a badly written code? const longestCommonSubsequence = function(text1, text2) { if(text1.length===0 || text2.length===0){ return 0; } if (text1.ch...
For a non set width, I added max-width together with flex wrap and overflow hidden to make sure some of the tabs are visible. However, I don't want the extra space at the end,...
Hello. Is it possible to send an object to a children to mutate it in react? Like passing an empty object directly, to get some properties on it. I know how to do it by sendi...
function a() { console.log(this); } a(); Hello, this prints out the global object, which is really confusing. How could I modify it so it prints the scope of the function?
Hello. I messed up my git branches. For some reason a branch, has changes from another branch i have which was supposed to be an independent branch. I still have the master br...
Another question const participant:{}|{id:string}={}; const a = participant?.id || "no-id-given"; I think the optional chaining would make TS stop giving me errors. But it d...
Hello, a small typescript question. I have the following structure and I don't know how to express this best using classes and TS. - Parent does not have property x. - child...
Sorry in advance if we can't Here is my attempt at separating content of a page: <?php get_header();?> <?php $content = get_the_content(); $blocks = parse_blocks(...
Thought const participant:{}|{id:string}={}; const a = participant?.id || "no-id-given"; const participant<Partial<{id:string}>>={}; const a = participant?.id || "no-id-give...
hello $ git merge develop Already up to date. Is this supposed to mean the develop branch will not have any difference? Because i checked and it does have differences.