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Hello! I have a notification thingy that is removed automatically in

5 seconds, but if a new notification is triggered, I want this 5 seconds to start anew. I know how to do this in vanilla JS, but in React, for some reason, I had to use useRef(), for the name assigned to the timeOut not get lost between renders.

Is this how it should be done?

let timeoutID = useRef();

const sendMessage = (message, messageType, timeout = 5000) => {
timeoutID.current = setTimeout(() => dispatch(removeNotification()), timeout);

6 ответов

10 просмотров
Emre- Автор вопроса

Hello, a reminder for my simple react question

Unless we can reproduce the error on our end, it's a deadend. Set it in an online IDE such as Code Sandbox or repl.it to increase your chances, especially because the large majority of us is accessing Telegram from a mobile device.

Emre- Автор вопроса
Pedro Aguiar
Unless we can reproduce the error on our end, it's...

I don't have an error, it works as I want, I am asking whether using useRef here makes sense. But will provide the tools, thanks for your time

I don't have an error, it works as I want, I am as...

there's no "right" way in programming, it all depends on so many variables does it work? is it maintainable? is it testable? easy to change? scalable? for a throwaway project, as long as it works? for a project involving many devs, maybe testability is more important?

Fwiw you should not need a ref for it

Emre- Автор вопроса
Fwiw you should not need a ref for it

In the case of a state change I was losing the timeout ID so was not able to reset the timeout. This for sure did not feel natural, and probably was a result of a huuuge component that had many states in it

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