Hey everyone I have a question, haven't found anybody with a solid answer yet. Question is I'm looking for a wallet to store my zilliqa tokens, I've been using zilpay but sin...
What wallets support TLOS?
Did zilliqa stop working on the game console?
I was reading something online about rolling thunder and the zilliqa game console and how the zilliqa game console is not needed and possibly not going to be released? I know ...
I live in the U.S. , my crypto card said doesn't work in this jurisdiction???
Just found out that web3war is officially launching 4 weeks from now!! Does that include the console also?
Someone tell me why would cake explode soon!?!
First time withdraw from CC and whats the difference between neo3 and neo5??
How does all the burned cake help the ecosystem?
Do we have to worry about zilliqa and the sec?
Have a question concerning the new formed Zilliqa Group, will this effect the current token ecosystem?
Have a question, does all the burned cake go to help the base/floor price?
I know the console release was pushed back buy will it be released in 2023? Hopefully not pushed to 2024
Is Rolling Thunder in charge of all 8 games being developed?
Any opinions on Zilpay wallet? Pros and cons?
Who's the ceo of zil?