I remember Sandra was teasing that we would see some demo part of a working MetaMinds product with one of their partners. Back than, it was "soon in a few weeks in November". ...
Hi. Is this legit?
If creating an SSN becomes permissionless according to Matt and misbehaving SSNs face risk slashing, what are the risks for the delegators in this case? What happens if you st...
How is possible that a wallet which doesn't even mention Zilliqa anywhere on there website, still has an SSN with 690 millions of zil staked by 11860 delegators, and people st...
Has anyone ever had problems with importing a ZRC-2 HRSE token to Metamask wallet?
Those who are staking at CEX SSN - transfer you staking on another node ASAP. CEX node does nothing for Zilliqa ecosystem development and it keeps on lagging. Their node was o...
The network got desharded with the 9.3 version. Earlier, it was expected that desharding will make the network faster, hence, faster block production (especially DS epoch bloc...
Where can we see transactions showing that some percentage of the rewards that were supposed to be for stakers go back to the null address? The rewards are still 204000 zils p...
Hi. How reliable is that Zilpepe Zilliqa - Solana bridge? Did it even have the audit or something?
By the way, where is that Google SSN that was mentioned when their was a partnership with Google (or when it turned out that their cloud services are cheaper and faster than t...
FYI, ZWAP minting stopped since 2024 on Zilswap. As it was initially planned I guess. Pools are not getting any ZWAPs for liquidity any longer. Only 6 pools are getting reward...
That sudden increase in fees simply indicates that part from stakers' rewards that is burnt to reduce APR?
Will all existing ZRC-2 zils get converted into EVM ones with the address starting with 0x... on Zilliqa 2.0?
Is Google SSN waiting for Zilliqa 2.0 or something? What's the points of being among the SSN operators (and for who knows how long already) with 0 zils staked.
Zeeves wallet and visa card programs are over. Sad. By the way, did anyone happen to use their card?
Hi. When will Zilliqa 2.0 whitepaper be released in public?
Hi. Is one reward cycle for stakers 2400 blocks now instead of 2200?
As I remember, long ago Amrit, when was in the core team, said that the problem with the 21 billion coins limit can be solved in different ways. And one of the ways is raising...
Hi. Is that some other GRPH token? Or the same but rebranded? As I remember, the old one left Zilliqa ecosystem, so if it new, why using same name? If old, why new smart-contr...
Hi. Why no rewards for staking? The SSN has been online recently (PlunderSwap), it's been more than 2400 blocks since the final fix, but still no rewards for 3 days already.