Hey Team - my Pirate mobile wallet won't sync. Any tips? Do I have to uninstall or is there a simpler solution?
What is the best resource for learning how to run a Monero node? I have installed it for a CLI on a home server, using Ubuntu, but I'm computer illiterate so don't know any c...
Any recommendations for troubleshooting node problems? I have set up a Monero node using Ubuntu CLI, and it is synced, the daemon functions, and it is using 18.3.3 the latest ...
At any rate, I am trying to set up a Monero node using CLI, and need to use an SSD as the computer I am using for the node does not have enough memory. I have downloaded and ...
So I installed Monero on an Ubuntu server as a node yesterday, and when I am going to use monerod commands, I am getting an error: Command 'monerod' not found, but can be ins...
Do I have to create a directory to put the Monero blockchain in? I tried to start the monerod and direct it to —data-dir=. as in the tutorial, but I get an error: Exception ...
Team, I'm a newbie and trying to install a Monero CLI node on Ubuntu, I'm stuck having downloaded the binaries and confirmed their authenticity with the GPG and hashes, but I ...
So is it possible to run this off of the external SSD? I know it isn't best practice, but I'm just trying to learn in any case. How dramatic are the limitations such a configu...
And how do I look into the drive when it is attached to my laptop?
Or would a USB drive be viable? They are inexpensive these days.