I know that architecturally it is. And that's what I thought exactly. But how are the use cases different? It seems to me like you can use both for essentially the same things...
What file system would you guys use for a storage drive shared by a linux and a windows install in the same machine?
I guess it's also more scalable, because you'd need to upgrade hardware with on-prem hosting, right?
Can I get some sys-admins opinions on whether or not systemd is something you avoid/want/don't mind in your prod systems?
Does anyone know a way to disable the keyring popups you get with plasma?
.. is this homework? :D
Can you not image that there are scripts that do static configuration of stuff that is specific to one particular device? ^^
how is that relevant?
is running docker-compose in lxc containers a thing? Or am I stupid for thinking that this is what I want?
What even is "a linux server"?
What do you use to play the music?
Why would one prefer cloud hosting over on-prem for a commercial use case? Is it basically about outsourcing the infrastructure?
I mean I get both DDMMYYYY and YYYYMMDD, but why on earth would you choose MMDDYYYY?!
How do you guys backup your docker data volumes? I don't quiet understand the way they do it in the docs, maybe there is an easier way? can I just tar the /var/lib/docker/volu...
Have you tried google a search engine?
if the entry gets properly read from fstab it should be mounted with root privileges on boot, shouldn't it? Leads me to believe there is something wrong with your entry
you want to find * * 1 * * ?
how about linux in php?
What is the purpose of this container you are trying to create?
@hambaglio @PsychoFish365 are you guys okay with me forwarding your answers?