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Can I get some sys-admins opinions on whether or not

systemd is something you avoid/want/don't mind in your prod systems?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

I don't mind. Used to hate it but it doesn't deserve that kind of energy. It isn't too oriented at being modular, but it is not impossible to make it behave in most cases (networking in Debian comes to mind)

Most mainstream production Linux server OS distributions use it, so I don't see the point not o

You absolutely want systemd.

Martin Rys
You absolutely want systemd.

Except you have options to choose from that are sufficient in most cases

Except you have options to choose from that are su...

Sure, let's have one tiny example - how do I detect if the machine is a container and also if it is a VM without systemd, and get the specific technologies used?

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