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Hey everyone, is it normal that I haven't received the

new ubuntu lts yet?
even when I set the release upgrader behavior to normal it gets the 23.10 version and not 24.04.
should I just wait?

26 ответов

10 просмотров

To lighten the load on their servers, they gradually release the update

Yes, you're not meant to upgrade until .1 release. You can change the source list yourself though

elo- Автор вопроса
elo- Автор вопроса

idk if it's gonna help anyone or not but I upgraded to 23.10 and only then I was able to upgrade to 24.04 don't know why

elo- Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
Welcome broken system

It's designed to be done that way too

elo- Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
Welcome broken system

it wasn't intentional I wanted to experiment with the new gnome on 23.10 and I stumbled upon 24.04 I guess I'll roll back if it's not stable

Martin Rys
It's designed to be done that way too

yes, but sometimes going LTS->non-LTS->LTS has really weird consequences

elo- Автор вопроса
elo- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Lack of PPAs?

it's broken for me, couldn't install the new kenel and nothing worked, reverted back to 6.5 for now. notofications look weird, a lot of gnome extensions are not working, also for some reason it duplicated my repository configuration files serveral times. trying to fix the issues but I think I'm just gonna ditch and clean install another distro

elo- Автор вопроса

I'm not sure but no for now it just says OUTDATED on the gnome.extensions page

elo- Автор вопроса
I'm not sure but no for now it just says OUTDATED ...

Sounds like you're installing extensions for the wrong version of the DE.

elo- Автор вопроса
elo- Автор вопроса

Well I'm sure Ubuntu 26.04 will have it fixed

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