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Hello guys, I have a laptop, if you connect wired headphones,

the sound will come from the headphones and the built-in speakers AT THE SAME TIME.
How can I make the sound come only from the headphones?

P.S. auto-mute NOT available, changing playback outputs and configurations in pavucontrol does not help

distro: Arch
sound server: pipewire, pipewire-pulse
soundcard vendor: Intel

21 ответов

22 просмотра

Disable it in the config

aaswq1- Автор вопроса
what config?

pavucontrol config tab

aaswq1- Автор вопроса
dont help

Don't just say it doesn't work. What have you tried, what did you expect to happen, and what actually happened? Give exact error message or description! If there is more information than a few lines, use a pastebin service like hastebin.com How to ask smart questions

aaswq1- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys

i tried to change configs in my pavucontrol arch linux it does not help

aaswq1- Автор вопроса

Have you tried setting the default fallback device to the headphones?

aaswq1- Автор вопроса

Do you see the third icon (green checkmark)? That allows you to choose the fallback device

screenshot Do you see the third icon (green checkmark)? That ...

They have just one device, this should be handled by the firmware

aaswq1- Автор вопроса

Are these bluetooth headphones perhaps?

aaswq1- Автор вопроса

I was having this issue, I installed alse-firmware and it got fixed.

aaswq1- Автор вопроса
i will try now

Make sure you install pipewire-alse as well then restart the audio server.

aaswq1- Автор вопроса
Adnan Al_Beda
Make sure you install pipewire-alse as well then r...

sooo i remove sof-firmware, install alsa-firmware and pipewire-alsa and now i have "dummy output"

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