I'm writing a React component NPM package and have react and react-dom as peerDependencies but they're still being installed and used from the library's node_modules folder in...
I have a container inside which there is a paragraph tag (only one line of text is allowed inside of it). I want to render a deletion icon after the contents of the paragraph....
I want to choose a license for my OSS project. Will the license I choose depend on the NPM dependencies? What about the dependencies of their dependencies?
I have a question regarding data access from a hard drive that is being used to boot an OS. Suppose I have a hard drive with Linux installed in it. And I have some files in m...
Yeah that I know. But my doubt is that if I'm not sourcing the dist directory, then how will NPM be able to fetch from GitHub?
I've been using LogMeIn Hamachi for a while for establishing P2P VPN. However Hamachi is not free so I am thinking of using Tinc or OpenVPN. Hamachi uses their servers to esta...
How can I pass every request through some controller in Rails? Let's say before the request being sent to the specified controller, I want the request to be handled by a Sess...
I have a dist directory which contains code transpiled from ES6 to browser JS. The dist directory is not tracked by git. How can I still publish the NPM package to NPM? The d...
I've been using GSON to convert JSON Strings to JSON Objects and map it to a Java Object directly. The problem is that the member variables all exist within the same level but...
Our company is switching to a front end framework from Rails. Which one should we go with? Angular or Vue or React?
I have a raspberry pi Web server and a hotspot. If anyone connects to it using a smartphone, then the user should get a popup telling him to sign in. Much like captive portal....
I'm running the TypeScript compiler from node_modules. It's not picking up tsconfig. Anyone knows why?
I have a function foo which accepts a callback and based on some condition, that callback is called or not called. This callback is async. How can I test if that callback is c...
I'm trying to understand TV Tuners. One question: can I watch more than one channels on a single TV Tuner simultaneously?
I want to make an app which adds OAuth facility to the existing "Sign Up using email" feature that I have. The problem is that whenever someone uses OAuth, the password field ...
How to record videos using JavaScript and send video stream to server while recording for saving it? I know this is a broad question so I can understand if you don't want to ...
I have an orders table. A record in the orders table can be in a "cancelled" state, but when that happens, I want to associate reasons with it. The reasons can be any pre-spec...
Can I write ISO file to SD card using dd command? I know that I can use IMG file but not sure about ISO.
How to implement different validations based on some other column values. For example: I want to implement regex validation on zipcodes, but each country has a different form...
Ah, okay. So, then can you explain me how Jest (which runs on Node according to my understanding) has XMLHttpRequest?