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I'M trying to understand TV Tuners. One question: can I

watch more than one channels on a single TV Tuner simultaneously?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

My tv can run two screens simultaneously the hdmi one in pip mode and the cable channels


you know that the DEMUX on a modern TV is not like the tuning circuit on an old CRT?

Answering your original question: it depends on the channels. TV tuner is able to tune to specific frequency and polarization using specific tuning params, demodulate signal, and give you the transport stream (TS). Usually, several SD channels are multiplexed inside one TS. This means that you have a continuous stream of packets, each packet has a PID that indicates to which channel it belongs. There are different types of packets: video, program guide, subtitles, etc. Anyway, you can grab any packets from the TS stream you want. So, if those two channels that you need are broadcasted on the same frequency then you can watch them simultaneously. Note that you would need the appropriate middleware (or hw demuxer) that is able to demux TS stream and provide you two channels at the same time. If your channels are on different freqs, then you have no other option but having two tuners. On modern STBs there could be 4-8 or even more tuners.

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