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I have a raspberry pi Web server and a hotspot.

If anyone connects to it using a smartphone, then the user should get a popup telling him to sign in. Much like captive portal. How to achieve it?

4 ответов

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Nipun-Paradkar Автор вопроса

Anyone's gonna reply to this? 😅

My understanding is if the hotspot has a form of security set up, then it is up to the client to pop up a box to allow credentials to be entered. Are you saying you only get this problem on a phone?

well on connect your hotspot has to send some information to the client, that it has to autheticate at the website i think. and when someone tries loading a page without authenticating he has to be redirected to your login page, but thats just the start

i would say, you need to install a different os/firmware on your wifi AP to make everything work, because the firmware of most home access point will not have options for what you need. then you can probably also host your website on the AP itself if you want that you would need to block the traffic of someone who is not signed in and you would need to redirect him or send him the information to ligin on connect, like i allready said.

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