with the same private key (single key / no path issues) I get different adresses on keplr than on metamask Do you know how can I get the exact same account on both keplr and m...
Granted that Multi isn't Kava's responsibility. However, considering how central it's become, the continued success of Kava as an ecosystem seems to be at a serious existentia...
Hello. What do we know of the TUSD situation? Binance just deprecated the Binance-pegged token in favour of the native TUSD token. The legacy TUSD becomes TUSDOLD. What do we ...
Kava vanished completely from the squidrouter. Why is that the case? any way to bring it back?
so it's been essentially confirmed that the bulk of TVL on Opera chain has been obliterated... and in consequence the price FTM is pooomping? could you please explain that log...
Yeah, same radio silence as during the incident. Not impressive. Is it even l known if it's that CEO came back, or instead they had to hack his password to fix the router?
I have a technical question: I've seen that after having used and exited them, I can close LP accounts and recover the SOL from setting them. Is it possible to do the same wit...
why did my last message get deleted?
how can I bring the busd back to the bep2 chain?
why aren't transactions being confirmed?
on the 3pool, why does my sum of the three coins fall with time, when I do nothing?
I could maybe ask there, but why would it be appropriate?
how do I pay less fee? interface lets me choose not less than 0.05 but some transactions in the explorer pay 0.001
why did it get delete?
Do we know what happened with Multi yet?
I did a swap through jupiter, and it seems it got routed to a thing called Serum DEX, which strangely consumed 0.023 SOL. Is that how it should work?
has this been considered? maybe some migration from v1 straight to v2 without having to close the longs or something like that?
what are the plans for sunsetting v1?