Whos using leap wallet? Transiction history its not showing last 3 days.
Fees, should i pay with bnb?
Do velas have own blockchain?
Will iotex have own game? Nfts
If i choose 30 days staking and Auto-stake? What does this mean?
Im sorry to ask for luna token here but i need to know. I hold on trust wallet, what should i do? Im sorry again but i dont know where else to ask
Do we need to have account on wink to stake through tronlink?
By staking, do i get rewards on IOtX?
So much people online here. A question is this token still have owner (developers) example as before or its on community hand?
Does anyone here use leap wallet? It worth to use it?
Im new here. Whats main utility of nxra? Shortly please
Leap? Keplr?
Can i stake now cake to earn cake?
Does supply of pancakeswap can go up? Or its fixed?
Total supply Circulating?
Helix its part of Injective? I Mean owner of injective are same As helix?
Can someone answer? Whats difference about vet and vethor?
There never be more than 100 m supply? In cmc its mot showing
It is a chance in future after 4-5 years the circulating to be not more than 4-5bn help through burning?
Mdex on staking will be on binance for long term?