phex and ehex contracts the same?
Does Pulse HEX copies need to be staked again or are they auto staked?
How can hex inflation be 3.69% per year when the apy is about 40%.I don't understand the connection.Can someone point me to a video or resource to undestand it?
Which frontend can I see my pulsechain hex?
Got abit of an issue.I had a metamask plugin,the wallet with a hex stake on a pc that went into the pc shop to get formatted.The thing is,I am wondering if it is possible for ...
Why am I getting innefecient liquidity for this trade?I am swapping eth for bnb
Is 10k and pray still a thing?I heard somewhere that RH updated saying not to miss the boat.Where can I find that clip?
Is chainlink on Kucoin an erc-20?\
Is bancor trading based in the eth network?
Where can I get a brief intro video on what chainlink is doing ,practically in the crypto world?Somethign for a newbi.
best solana apy for staking?
Can anyone tell me this parachain that I contributed to?I cant remember and it does not say at the adress.
Hey all,when you "enable" a transaction on metamask,I get a metamask pop up to put my password in again.It that normal?
This terrastation wallet is for luna coin right?
Is polygon down for you guys or not?
You guys do kyc to withdraw funds?
Is the matic network down?
Is the exchange still down?