Hello admin if base fee is 150 gwei and I make trade with 200 gwei will I still get refund for 150 gwei for gas refund staking 1inch tokens?
When gas refund? Scammers dont dm me
When gas refund? Dont msg me scammers
So please can any admin tell me if my wallet is safe or not?????
I guess 50$ refund right?
When rerund?
Hello does anyone else have issue on uniswap not showing correct price for frax/fxs pair? I tried on 4 different browsers and price showing wrong on all
If I unstake my 1inch tokens now. Will I still receive the gas refund?
How can I swap my erc20 ATA tokens?
On etherscan there is some wallet labeled with the name: frax finance: investor custodian. Is this frax team? @samkazemian @FortisFortuna_89
Oh, you sure? I just traded 3 hours ago and it didnt update...
It doesnt look like the harmony team is finding an solution to pay back the loss fron that horizon hack for all FRAX holders on harmony. @samkazemian is there anything from y...
Is this snapshot only for ethereum holders?
How to bridge from solana to ethereum?
Just imported contract to metamask. To see if balance shown. Because I imported this contract code to my metamask. I can be hacked or funds can be drained? @FortisFortuna_89 @...
@samkazemian hey Sam, is there any reason why the fxs/frax liquidity is gone on moonbeam, polygon, avalanche and arbitrium?
I thought maybe only from the day I start staking. You sure its whole november? @LAserveth
@LAserveth I started staking at 14 november for gas refund. Will I get the gas refund for whole november or only from 14 november to 30 november?
There is airdrop?
Team is there any news for people who have frax on harmony that got stuck because of the hack? @samkazemian @FortisFortuna_89