209 похожих чатов

@Samkazemian hey Sam, is there any reason why the fxs/frax

liquidity is gone on moonbeam, polygon, avalanche and arbitrium?

3 ответов

9 просмотров

It's being migrated to Fraxswap FRAX-FXS pair on those chains. Fraxswap is live on multiple chains now 🙂

Floris- Автор вопроса
Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
It's being migrated to Fraxswap FRAX-FXS pair on t...

Ah so it will be possible to trade on frax.finance on that chain?

Ah so it will be possible to trade on frax.finance...

Yes 👌 In fact, the migration is done already for the Moonbeam Fraxswap implementation so you can trade on that one already. The rest will follow shortly.

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