209 похожих чатов

Hello does anyone else have issue on uniswap not showing

correct price for frax/fxs pair? I tried on 4 different browsers and price showing wrong on all

6 ответов

10 просмотров

Have you tried this pair? Click the trade button at the top right https://v2.info.uniswap.org/pair/0xe1573b9d29e2183b1af0e743dc2754979a40d237

Same issue

That's odd, it works for me. Might be your browser or try another AMM.

tan Any1 DM as admin will be reported to tg as scammer
won't work for me either early today then I used m...

It looks like a routing issue on Uniswap's front end based on the screenshot he sent. Try 1inch.exchange or an aggregator. The liquidity is clearly there. Just a browser/front end issue.

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