209 похожих чатов

Just imported contract to metamask. To see if balance shown.

Because I imported this contract code to my metamask. I can be hacked or funds can be drained? @FortisFortuna_89 @samkazemian

3 ответов

8 просмотров

How about you just don't do it since we said it is fake 🙂 Just ignore the fake FPIS token. Don't touch it. This isn't anything new, there's like 100s of fake FXS tokens as well deployed by scammers.

ser, you are playing with fire

Floris- Автор вопроса
Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
How about you just don't do it since we said it is...

Lol I just imported the contract code to metamask... so it shows on balance. Is this risky?

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