@kushti_ru , why do you think it is a good idea for ergo to continue using ETC's old twitter account as its own, when the followers are mostly bots, largely do not support erg...
To anyone thinking, "would they just shut up about the twitter account", think to yourself, if the EF came out tomorrow and apologized for the shenanigans and went back to its...
Kushti or anyone else - What is the best scaling solution for ERGO right now? I heard that Hydra is more for regular transactions, not so much for scaling smart contracts. Is ...
wait im confused, if Ergo is not Proof of Useful Work then how is it not Proof of Useless Work?
Do people generally think EIP27 will pass or no?
Kadena's biggest weakness, IMO, other than bandwidth requirements, is the complexity of choosing which chain to use. If one chain is congested, there should be a way to automa...
If I understand the recent zenGate twitter thread, they have just begun building their MVP and Dan is the lead developer? Does he have any dev experience?
Is this right for the decentralized grid order - you basically submit a limit order that sits on the blockchain until someone comes along and takes the other side of the trade...
Could this community try not to be a cult that sees any dissent as "bad news"?
so how does ERG 10x daily transaction?
if I pay my way can I come hang out with Kushti and the SuSy crew?
Does anyone here actually understand dexygold?
so the end result of NiPoPoWs is that a node will now sink in 30-60 minutes, what are the benefits of that?
What do you mean by circular argument?
What is the status and thinking around ASIC resistance? I know there are FPGAs on the network, is there something we can do to stop ERG from being a coin dominated by the mini...
but it is not "backed by waves" in at all the same sense that usdn is?
ERG going PoUW for the longterm cryptoeconomic security of the protocol? Or is the main focus on changing emission curve?
Is KAS replacing bitcoin or not? I thought the high powered ASICs make it a more high powered chain
Is MrStahfledge (butchered the name sorry) working on a dApp connector as well?
What differentiates ERGO from other Proof of Useful Work blockchains?