209 похожих чатов

Wait im confused, if Ergo is not Proof of Useful

Work then how is it not Proof of Useless Work?

10 ответов

12 просмотров
José (Won't DM first) Bravo

just wanted to check on the health of getblok that all

anon1111- Автор вопроса
José (Won't DM first) Bravo

I asked if Ergo is Proof of Useful Work, and I hear the answer is no. So then I follow up to confirm that it is therefore Proof of Useless Work, but apparently that answer is also no. How can "work" be neither useful nor useless?

anon1111- Автор вопроса
José (Won't DM first) Bravo
I would say it is proof of useful work sir

Ok thank you. Appreciate it. Glad to know the mining power is being put to real-world use

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