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If I understand the recent zenGate twitter thread, they have

just begun building their MVP and Dan is the lead developer? Does he have any dev experience?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Started coding in the 80s with Pascal, C & BASIC. Began professional career in 1998, working with Java & Oracle 7. Following that worked with pretty much everything under the sun. Visual Basic and C# for Alliance (later became Andrew's Consulting). Visual C, RPG, R, even tortured myself with some COBOL.

anon1111- Автор вопроса
Dan Friedman
Started coding in the 80s with Pascal, C & BASIC. ...

Circling back here - so you are the lead dev? Who else is on the team?

Circling back here - so you are the lead dev? Who ...

Right now I'm the lead dev. Mostly working on the scala front and backend. @cryptoquokka is helping with REACT and the frontend UI, Adam Dean is doing coding and reviews and Sam and another team mate are doing dB structuring and schemas

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