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@Kushti_ru , why do you think it is a good

idea for ergo to continue using ETC's old twitter account as its own, when the followers are mostly bots, largely do not support ergo, and supposedly support a scam project? I dont care what ETC thinks about us, I dont care about ETC very much at all, but I do think taking the acct goes against Ergo's ethos and does far more harm than good. This is coming from someone who just wants to see ergo succeed

5 ответов

9 просмотров

He literally can’t imagine any opinion but his own 😂 https://t.me/ergoplatform/390548

I do not have any strong opinion on the matter tbh, but to the moment it is EF's account for more than half a year, which is like an epoch in crypto, so how much etc is still there?

Kushti never cared tbh

Nothing to code there.

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