209 похожих чатов

To anyone thinking, "would they just shut up about the

twitter account", think to yourself, if the EF came out tomorrow and apologized for the shenanigans and went back to its old account, do you think the same amount of people would be in here complaining about the fantastic opportunity that we missed by giving up the ETC account? Probably not, because there is no case to be made on that front

3 ответов

10 просмотров

I think dissent is a good thing.

<cafebedouin> While I agree with you, in the main, my sense is that this is just one more link in a long chain of petty bullshit between Charles and ETC and the best thing we could do is just consider it a fuck up and move on.

<cafebedouin> While I agree with you, in the main,...

A lot of old drama there. Its the sad reality this has given us more media than building interesting stuff. Says a lot about the current space.

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