If is Cosmostation they are Fetch.ai network?
Hello, what will happen with ANS and NFD? How can there be two services that offer the same? Which domain will prevail?
I just tried sending my Chainlink to Exodus wallet and asked for 1.1 Links fees . Is there any plan to move to a better blockchain than Etherum? (For example, Hedera, or any o...
Hi I updated my Cosmostation wallet and now I cannot see my fet tokens. Can someone help please?
Does Algorand Wallet support NFTs? If so, do I need to click in a link before accepting one? Or how does it works??
What would happen with the transaction fees ifAlgo price goes very high? Would they evaluate fixing the transaction fees to a fixed price? Or this cannot be change?
Are there any risks in connectig my Pera Wallet to a Dapp or website where they sell Nfts?
Why I cannot undelegate my atoms? I receive the message “not enough”
Is there any link to watch Silvio at the Crypto Bahamas?
Can someone please confirm/deny this? https://twitter.com/change4sats/status/1466176691210833925?s=28
Any updates about Algorand withdrawal in Binance??
I just reas from Algorand website that they plan to pass from 1000 tps to 46.000. I was wondering when they are planning to do this enormous shift?
Do you guys think is a good time to buy or it can go down again? I already bought one day before the crash so don’t wsnt that to happen again
Thanks, do they have a telegram ?
Why is the price so good??
Why Algorand doesn’t use Chainlink??
When it will be possible to move the tokens again? i have been waiting for days and still not working
How long is the undelegate period in Cosmostation?
Hello, can someone please explain why Binance doesn’t allow me to withdraw my Algos?? They have been stuck there for over a week now 😡
When do you guys think the crash will end?