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I just tried sending my Chainlink to Exodus wallet and

asked for 1.1 Links fees . Is there any plan to move to a better blockchain than Etherum? (For example, Hedera, or any other that has better scalability and less fees)

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Chainlink Oracles is blockchain-agnostic. The LINK token is ERC677 token, an extension of ERC20. If paying for ERC20 gas is too much for you, you could explore other layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain.

Nam | Chainlink Labs
Chainlink Oracles is blockchain-agnostic. The LINK...

Piggybacking on this, Chainlink is already operable on a number of other chains and rollups (Avalanche, Matic, Arbitrum, etc) and the LINK token is live on them as well.

Martin- Автор вопроса
Eric | Allora
Piggybacking on this, Chainlink is already operabl...

Are there any plans to move to Hedera also? Considering that they are part of the governing council?

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